Forgiveness: The Freedom of the Gospel预览

Forgiveness: The Freedom of the Gospel


The Protocols of Forgiveness

(Part 2)

Protocols are the rules or conventions of correct behavior in official or ceremonial occasions. Kingdoms and governments function within a set of recognized procedures that govern how things are accomplished. In many ways the Protocols of Forgiveness are like ingredients for a recipe. They all must be there for the cake to turn out right. Today we look at how to deal with the memory and future offenses with the last two protocols.

6. Commit to “not remember” the offense. 

You can’t choose to forget something, but you can choose what to do with the memories when they come. It is important to note that God is not the one bringing the memory back up nor is it you. It is God’s enemy who is bringing it up in order to entice you back into unforgiveness. So when the memory comes:


• Say out loud, “I specifically remember forgiving that.” 

• Praise God for the freedom forgiveness brought you.

• Bless the person you forgave again.

• Pray for reconciliation.


7. Make pre-forgiveness a lifestyle. 

Just like preventative medicine is the best medicine, pre-forgiveness is the best kind of forgiveness! When Protocol 7 is practiced, the need for the other 6 is greatly diminished, if not eliminated. Choose daily not to receive an offense, but take every relational debt and transfer it immediately to the Cross. The blood of Jesus covers all sin including the ones that wound me. It also includes the ones that haven’t happened yet. 

Imagine that you have been gifted a prepaid debit card with an unlimited account balance backed by a benevolent benefactor. However this account is not filled with money, but rather with the precious blood of Jesus, extravagantly poured out as payment for the sins of mankind. The card was not given just to pay for your sins but also the sins of anyone who hurts you. Now whenever you are wounded or offended in any way by anyone, you can whip out the card, swipe it in the air and say, “Paid in full!” 

By making the decision ahead of time to use the Forgiveness Card, no matter what happens to us, we can live torment free while experiencing all the peace Jesus died to bring us.

Forgiveness is applying the blood of Jesus as payment in full for every wound I ever have or will suffer, and forgiveness will always lead us to experience the freedom of the Gospel.

To dig deeper into how you can experience the freedom of the Gospel through the power of forgiveness, check out our website: .

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Forgiveness: The Freedom of the Gospel

Any way you cut the Gospel, it bleeds forgiveness. Yet, even the most seasoned Christian can struggle to extend forgiveness to those that have deeply wounded them. Dr. Bruce Hebel invites you on a seven-day journey to discover what God has to say about experiencing the freedom of the Gospel through forgiveness and show you how to apply the blood of Jesus as payment in full for every wound.
