Advent Chai with Malachi预览

Advent Chai with Malachi


Second Wednesday in Advent

Leadership 101

What makes a good spiritual leader? Think of influencers you respect the most. Character counts, right?

 God appointed the tribe of Levi—the Levites, descendants of Jacob—to serve as spiritual leaders and caretakers for the nation of Israel. And he gave these leaders some instructions:

 In Malachi’s day, those responsible for soul-care had quite the list of duties as outlined in the books of Deuteronomy and Numbers: Keep God’s word. Guard God’s covenant. Teach others God’s ordinances and laws. Help people sacrifice to God in ways that please him. Take care of property associated with worship. Care for the needs of the community. And attend to the service of worship. 

 The apostle Peter tells his readers that since Christ’s first advent, all who follow him are a royal priesthood. To whom do you have a responsibility to serve as a spiritual example? A child, a friend, a coworker? People in your church? How does your relationship with God affect your ability to serve others? —Sandra Glahn

Prayer:  Deliver me from pride, envy, wrath, gluttony, lechery, the cares of this life, lukewarm indifference. Give me humility, pitifulness, patience, sobriety, purity, contentment, ready zeal. –Lancelot Andrewes, 16th century   

He will come again in glory

to judge the living and the dead

And his kingdom will have no end.


Photo credit:  Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash


Advent Chai with Malachi

Advent Chai with Malachi is a devotional designed to help readers draw near to God in the weeks leading up to Christmas. Scriptures from the Book of Malachi are accompanied by reflections on each passage and end with a simple prayer.
