Race, Justice and Gospel Music - Seth Pinnock预览

Race, Justice and Gospel Music - Seth Pinnock


Holy Spirit Come (Glory Come Down)

Pentecost is the manifestation of God’s glory in us, by the Holy Spirit, in a way that is not for a season, but seals us for eternity. It is a moment of God’s Kingdom story breaking into our history. 

With a great rushing wind and by fire, these one hundred and twenty disciples became witnesses to God’s greatness by signs and wonders. No longer were people divided by their language, as the Spirit endowed tongues so everyone could understand. No longer were people divided by their race and culture, as Peter proclaims that “all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved.” 

After Jesus had risen from the dead and just before he ascended to be seated at the right hand of the Father he said; “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever” John 14:16. So not only does the Holy Spirit give power but He is our advocate, our help and support that guides us here on earth, as well as our moral compass.. The Holy Spirit caused a radical shift in how the believers lived and loved, as they beheld each other and experienced the Holy Spirit in new and dynamic ways.. The apostles saw and believed what had been achieved by Jesus’ reconciling death: he is our peace, he has broken down the dividing wall of hostility. 

With the presence of the Holy Spirit comes peace, with His presence comes joy, with His presence comes freedom. Just as in the song, when you have a real encounter with the presence of God you can’t help but worship. Sometimes, this reverberates without words, a worship that flows out of your spirit like a river, a melodic sound, an “ooo” that speaks a language no-one else but God understands - as you hear in the bridge. 

Today, as you listen to Holy Spirit Come, draw your attention to the God who is always with you. Let the bold, prophetic Spirit of God enable you to display Christ, in power and humility, so that those around you would follow in the Lord’s footsteps, too. Let it serve as a reminder that the dividing wall of hostility, between God and others, has indeed been broken down.

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Race, Justice and Gospel Music - Seth Pinnock

How does our reading of scripture give us hope as we push for racial and social justice in the world? Join Seth Pinnock & A New Thing to unpack this question, with their latest acclaimed album ‘A New Thing Live’, in partnership with Tearfund. Drawing influences from scripture and testimonies, this devotional focuses on the connection between Worship and the Word, with odes to faith in Black History.
