Revelation Explained | Part 2: Caught Up To Heaven预览

Revelation Explained | Part 2: Caught Up To Heaven



Revelation 4 | Raptured


What happens next? In Revelation 2-3, we just walked through church history in seven prophetic letters from Jesus. So what happens after the church age? In chapter 4, John is caught up to Heaven. The Latin word for “caught up” is raptus - which is where we get the English word rapture. That’s an important Bible term. What’s the rapture? Stay tuned.

Bible scholars and students don’t all agree on the details of the end times chronology, and that’s okay. In today’s audio guide, Kris Langham will help you understand some basics, so you can read Revelation and decide for yourself. We’ll also read through one of the Bible’s best glimpses of Heaven!

Press the play button to listen to the audio guide, then read Revelation 4 for yourself. For more about the Rapture, read 1st Corinthians 15:51-52 and 1st Thessalonians 4:15-17.

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Revelation Explained | Part 2: Caught Up To Heaven

What is Heaven like? The Bible doesn’t give us much detail, but one of the best glimpses is right here. In Part 2 of Revelation Explained, Kris Langham guides us through Revelation 3-5, as Jesus finishes seven letters to the church, and John is caught up to a glorious scene in Heaven. Join us as we walk through Revelation with clear, relatable teaching in just 5 minutes each day.
