Mary's Song: My Soul Glorifies the Lord预览

Mary's Song: My Soul Glorifies the Lord


Day Two 

God Was Mary’s Savior 

God sees Mary’s need for a Savior. Mary recognizes her helplessness, her sin, and her need for a Savior. More importantly, she makes a personal confession: “God is my Savior.” She proclaims that God saw her and saved her.

Mary recognizes where she has come from. She is a pregnant, teenage girl, from Nazareth, with very little power. In the eyes of the world, she is a nobody: poor, obscure, powerless, insignificant, of little purpose and meaning in life. Yet God remembers her, and God causes her to be remembered.

Everywhere the gospel goes, believers remember Mary and her great dedication to God. The Lord often chooses the least likely person to demonstrate His mercy and power. Consider Gideon: he was cowering in a winepress sifting his grain, and an angel said, “Greetings mighty man of valor!” Gideon went on to deliver the people of Israel. Consider Leah: she was not the preferred or loved one. But God gave her six sons, including Judah, through whom Jesus would come. Consider Christians. Paul asks us, were many of us wise, good-looking, or charismatic? No. Yet God chose us.

No matter how insignificant the world may consider us, God cares for us and reaches down. He takes us by the hand, lifts us up, and gives us purpose, meaning, and significance.

For Reflection

Did you know we can enter into a state of blessedness like Mary? In Luke 11, Jesus is teaching, and a woman calls out, “Your mother is a blessed!” Jesus responds in verse 28, “Even more, those who hear the word of God and keep it are blessed.” (CSB) What made Mary blessed was not so much having Jesus in her womb as having Jesus in her heart.  

  • Are you hearing the word of God regularly?
  • What are some examples of you keeping God’s word, recently?
  • When have you felt insignificant? Has that led you to curl up in fear? Lash out in anger? Or have you said, “I am the Lord’s servant!”
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Mary's Song: My Soul Glorifies the Lord

My soul glorifies the Lord!” begins Mary's song-- traditionally known as the Magnificat. It is a magnificent song about God, His Glorious Mercy, and His Deliverance. Mary’s song points us to answer the question, “What is my purpose in life?”
