Hope in Uncertainty预览

Hope in Uncertainty




Thus the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.

-Exodus 33:11a


If you could speak to your husband’s commanding officer today, what would you say to him or her about your husband, yourself, and your family?

During this difficult time in the early years of the nation of Israel, Moses had the unique privilege of speaking face to face with God—as a man speaks to a friend. Moses was at home in God’s presence. There was unrestricted dialogue between Moses and God. Moses spoke to God in a personal way about issues concerning the Israelites. He even spoke to God about his own personal struggles. This was a unique relationship. No other Israelites could speak with God in this way. The rest of the Israelites had to stand at the door of the tent. For them, God was at a distance.

Today, we have the privilege to have conversation with God in this same manner as Moses, based on the work of Jesus Christ and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus, we have access to God the Father. We too may have unrestricted dialogue with God. The Holy Spirit helps us verbalize and communicate with God in ways we could not do on our own. The Holy Spirit knows the deep things in our heart that we may not even be able to verbalize. Romans 8:26 offers this description:

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words (Romans 8:26).

Ultimately, that means our level of communication with God today can go beyond even the unique relationship God had with Moses!

The face-to-face discussions of Moses with God resulted in direction and renewed determination to lead. God filled Moses with the delight of his abiding presence.

So sister, pull up a chair, grab a cup of tea or coffee, and sit down with the Lord. Tell him the deep issues on your heart.


If you do not practice writing in a prayer journal, consider starting the practice. Such a journal can be a tool to facilitate spiritual growth and nurture your communication with God. How has prayer helped you through this deployment thus far? Using Scripture is an effective way to pray. Consider the prayer below taken directly from Paul’s letter to the Romans.


Father, help me in my weakness. I do not know what to pray as I ought. Thank you for your Spirit, who intercedes for me with groans too deep for words. Amen. (See Romans 8:26).

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Hope in Uncertainty

Uncertain times can leave you feeling frightened and alone. Your mind conjures your worst fears and you feel out of control. But your most profound growth often comes from times of waiting and wading through the unknown. In this plan, you’ll learn that when uncertainty tempts you to despair, God wants you to release your worries into His capable hands and live in His presence—where you’re never alone.
