Hope 4 Today: Influence Culture by Staying Connected to God预览

Hope 4 Today: Influence Culture by Staying Connected to God


Same Storm Different Boat

The historic story of the passenger ship, Titanic, is tragic. The ship touted to be unsinkable sunk and even when the ship’s passengers were told to get into lifeboats, the first boats were lowered half full because the passengers were convinced the Titanic wouldn’t sink. They felt it was safer to stay where they were than risk floating in an insignificant boat in the expansive ocean. 

Passengers and crew were all in the same unfathomable situation of making a life or death decision, but few chose life that night. Those who abandoned the ship would eventually watch in horror as the Titanic capsized and they realized they were alive simply because they had chosen a different boat.

We are often in the same life storms but not all of us choose the same boat. 

As the pandemic surges, injustices continue and polarization grows socially and politically, we are exposed to unfathomable storms. Although Christian leaders tell us to get into God’s lifeboat, other voices affirm that science, politicians and technology will save us. Above the noise, God reminds us we are secure in Him and He encourages us to choose a different boat – His. He nudges us to get out of the world’s touted secure and unsinkable boats and step into what looks like a perilous and uncertain one. What’s the difference? He’s in the boat with us. 

God calls us to be first responders of His love and walk in His miraculous strength and power in the storm. He holds out His hand and entreats us to be courageous and step into the unknown as Peter did. (Matthew 14:22-33) 

Are you willing to trust Him in the cold turbulent waters of our culture? If we walk with Him, He promises to captain our boat. His reassuring Word will keep us from sinking into frustration, depression, fear or panic if we keep our eyes on Him. Remember, Peter sunk when he took his eyes off Jesus. Challenges in life can become momentary “threats” but raging waters can be seen as opportunities to bring God’s Hope to others. He has equipped us with His life-saving devices so that we can be innovators and action takers who bring creative solutions to the dilemmas that arise. 

What is the boat God is asking you to step into today? Trust Him to be there.

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Hope 4 Today: Influence Culture by Staying Connected to God

Do you need hope? Research shows that when you engage in the Bible four or more times a week your life will change in significantly positive ways. This plan based on Kathleen Cooke’s devotional book, “Hope 4 Today: Stay Connected to God in a Distracted Culture” will revive your faith to influence the culture with Hope. Start the two-week challenge today!
