Dealing With Injustice...预览

Dealing With Injustice...


Should you get your revenge?

Revenge is one of the most common reactions to injustice. Maybe you’ve seen it in old westerns or police movies. A bad guy kills good people, then someone gets revenge. 

Have you ever wanted to get revenge? Whether you’ve been victimized by gossip, bad driving, a cheating spouse or a corrupt business partner, we’ve all thought about getting back at people. Hurting them for what they did to you or someone you love may seem like a good idea.

In my vast experience, I have to tell you it usually ends up in disaster. Maybe that’s why the Bible says, “Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19, NIV)  

Let me take you back, way back, to my college hockey career. I had just become a Christian, and the word got out around the campus that a hockey player had accepted Christ. It was a miracle. We weren’t known for being very Christian. I was the first and only Christian on my team and maybe the entire league. 

Have you ever been the only Christian at work or school? It’s hard, isn’t it? 

I guess the opposing players discovered I was no longer retaliating for rough play. They kept hitting me and threatening me. Eventually, I lost my temper and decided to take revenge. I challenged one vicious player, but his buddy hit me in the back of my head with his hockey stick, and I fell to the ground. They kneed me in the head while I was on the ground, so I jumped up and took my revenge with one strong punch that missed the other player and, unfortunately, hit the referee. My attempt at revenge cost me my testimony and a suspension. 

Please forgive your oppressors and make room for God to defend you. God is bigger than any injustice; He can make it right.

Because you’re His miracle. 

Paul Marc Goulet 

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Dealing With Injustice...

You and I were created by God to experience justice. God is just, and we were created in His image. That’s why some things make us so mad. In this reading plan, writer Paul Marc Goulet shares about this topic and how you can deal with it.
