I Surrender All: Building and Leaving a Legacy for Generations预览

I Surrender All: Building and Leaving a Legacy for Generations



It’s time to trust God for the outcome in the midst of our own individual processes.

Moses threw down his staff, watched it turn into a snake, and then he picked it up by the tail. At that point, God turned it back into a staff. But God wasn’t done. 

“Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Put your hand in your cloak.’” Exodus 4:6

OK, strange request, but easy enough...Whoa! Ew. Ew. Ew. 

God had caused his hand to become leprous. “Put your hand back in your cloak.”

Are you kidding? Do you see my hand? It could spread! Shouldn’t I just cut it off? 

Ok, fine...Hey, wow, that is better than it was before!

On the surface, this encounter between God and Moses seems so strange. But as we venture into the fullness of the story, what we find is that these two moments became tools that Moses would use when he stood before the Pharaoh, one of the most powerful men in the known world. 

In Exodus 4:8, God explains Himself and this experience, “If they (first the children of Israel & then the Pharaoh) do not believe you and are not convinced by the first miraculous sign, they will be convinced by the second sign.” 

In other words, ‘Moses, your personal experience with SURRENDER will create a story that when told and shown would move nations.’

Hear God’s voice speak to you: “{Put your first name here}, your personal experience with SURRENDER will create a story that when told and shown will move nations, accomplish divine purposes, change things, and bring more impact that you could ever dream of or imagine.”

“Ok, Brian. Great job!” “Now, this is the new vision I have for your Legacy Lodge. I’m thinking we go bigger.”

Ok, like more land? Bigger buildings?

“No, no, I mean more people. This is going to be a great way to help other people pass their legacies on to their future generations.”

That sounds like a lot of work, God. That sounds like a ministry. I don’t really want to do that. I just want to have my Legacy Lodge for my kids and grandkids to run around and do risky stuff on purpose. That’s what we talked about before, and I like my vision. 

“Well,” God said, “you can do what you want with it. I entrusted you with the money and the time and the land. I know what I want to happen with it, but you can do what you want. Good luck, buddy.”

So, I picked it up God’s vision, and we have been walking it out ever since, and I have seen our influence in the community grow exponentially and our business has grown, and our family has developed. It all has to do with this spiritual workout routine: Throw It Down, See It Change-Pick It Up, & Walk It Out. 

We are preparing for battle, not retirement. We are getting stronger and stronger so God can continue to use us for his Kingdom as long as we are on this earth.

In the end, you have to remember that none of this is yours; it all belongs to God. He has entrusted it to you for a season to use wisely. You have to be willing to throw it all down at His feet and let him do with it what he wants to do.

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I Surrender All: Building and Leaving a Legacy for Generations

I Surrender All. All to Jesus, I Surrender... Surrender changes everything. You're invited to join me on this four-day plan to discover a spiritual workout routine that I've discovered in scripture as well as one that I have experienced time and again in my own life. True Surrender is the only way to build and leave a Legacy For Generations.
