Pray Your Way Through Uncertainty预览

Pray Your Way Through Uncertainty


When we think of Bible heroes and heroines who faced uncertain situations, one person who may immediately spring to mind is Ruth.

Ruth, a Moabitess, had lost her husband and had decided to leave her hometown and follow her mother-in-law Naomi to Bethlehem. As a young widow, Ruth’s situation was incredibly difficult, especially given the cultural and historical context where women, particularly widows, were looked down on. Her safer bet would have been to bid her mother-in-law goodbye and head back to the familiar setting of her hometown. But Ruth decisively chooses to stay with Naomi, saying: Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. (Ruth 1: 16)

Sometimes, we grow so accustomed to Bible stories that we forget that there were real people behind them with real feelings. I wonder what Ruth was going through as she made her way to Bethlehem. Was her mind riddled with questions? Questions and concerns like: Will we have enough to eat? Will they accept a foreigner like me? What if they ridicule and reject me there? What if I’m unable to support Naomi? Will I ever get to be a mother? 

Taking a brave decision didn’t automatically shield Ruth from wondering. Uncertainty still loomed up ahead. But Ruth didn’t stay stuck in self-pity or in fear. She put one foot in front of the other. She walked in the light she'd been given. 

The Bible says that God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our paths. When you face a mountain of questions and don’t know what lies ahead, pray for His Word to illuminate the path so you can take one step at a time.

We don’t know the next chapter, or even the next page, in our lives. But we do know the Author who is crafting incredible storylines that our minds cannot grasp.

Ruth went on to live a blessed life, marrying Boaz and later giving birth to a son who would be an ancestor to David. Ruth was included in the family line of Jesus—something she never would have foreseen or even understood when she decided to go along with Naomi, pledging her allegiance to the one true God. 

Just like for Ruth, all the days ordained for us are written in His book. We are called to trust and obey, to put our hands in His, and walk on the paths that He has planned for us.

Let’s pray:

Father God, You are sovereign and You are good and You are wise and You are all-knowing. I trust You to write every chapter and every page and every word of my life. Those who look to You will never be put to shame. You will work all things out for the good of those who love You, who have been called according to Your purpose. So, Father, would You teach me to put my hand in Yours and trust You to write an incredible story through my life for Your glory and Your honor. In Jesus’ name. Amen.  

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Pray Your Way Through Uncertainty

What if…? That’s just one of the questions we ask ourselves as we face unknown tomorrows. Uncertainty about the future can cause us to live with anxiety. But what if we could pray our way through the questions? Instead of giving traction to fear, what if we learned to trust our faithful God?
