The M.E.T.A预览

The M.E.T.A


In the world of gaming, meta is used in two ways. Meta can be used as an acronym for “most effective tactics available,” and calling something “meta” means that it's an effective way to achieve the goal of the game, whether it's to beat other players or beat the game itself. 

In the world of gaming, I’m a noob. 

Last year during quarantine, Call of Duty: Warzone was released.  

My son Roscoe, who’s 11 and I, jumped on it. 

We were noobs together. 

I watched a ton of IcemanIsaac and JGod YouTube videos. 

I subscribed to NickMercs and watched TimtheTatman on Twitch. 

I was locked in.

I practiced my aim. 

I changed my settings. 

I changed them again. 

I had to learn a whole new language. 

The language of gaming. 

I still sucked.

I bought some stuff to suck less. 

But, even though I was terrible, I forged ahead. 

That’s what winners do right? 

Which led me to the word “META”. 

I kept hearing, “what’s the new meta this season?” 

“Which guns are META?” 

I was lost. 

Google was my best friend. 

My wife thought I was nuts.

YouTube kept me in the game as I tried to figure out how not to die. 

I camped a ton.

I sucked some more. 

I hardly ever won a game. 

(Full disclosure, I still hardly EVER win.)

My tenacious vigilance kept my hope alive. It kept me searching to learn more. And that’s when I realized so many of these gamers or should I say, “content creators” were HURTING BIG TIME. You would think, they play video games for a living, how incredible is that? However, what I was reading on social media was much different. 

They were logging long hours, depressed and bombarded with haters and trolls. It hurt me to watch and read the type of stuff they were enduring.

And, reading about their pain led me to this idea. 

Why not use my noob gamer experience and mix it with the good book?

Why not read the Bible and have a bit of fun right? 

So, in my search and quest of helping others, here's a question for you. 

What are the “Most Effective Tactics Available” or “META” for your day today? We all know about Meta loadouts, but what about IRL (in real life)? 

Let me start by sharing one of my daily firefights. 

I may seem like I’m a motivated person, but in reality - I’m not. 

I don’t FEEL LIKE doing much of anything. 

I NEVER wake up, clap my hands and yell, “today is gonna be a great day!” 

Na, that doesn’t seem to work for me, especially with sleeping babies in the house. 

Not a good idea. 

Again, my wife would think I’m nuts, and probably make me sleep outside. 

So, I ask myself, “what is the most effective tactic available for daily motivation?” 

For me, I NEED to be inspired. 

I NEED to feel like my life matters. 

I NEED to replay the things which matter most. 

And, because I'm a spiritual guy, I try to find something in the good book for me. 

These scriptures below are like a lightning bolt to my face. 

They yell to me - “Anthony, your life matters!"

And, that's what I want them to say to you. 

Here’s one I love. 

“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah‬ ‭29:11‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

I need to know that I’m alive for a reason.

My life matters. 

My future is filled with hope. 

God has my back. 

Here's another one. 

“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.” James‬ ‭1:2-3‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

When I lost my job, I needed to know, I was in for a battle. 

I took courage knowing this was normal. 

This was the process. 

It sucked. 

It hurt. 

It feels humiliating. 

But, it helped me be a better man. 

A better husband. 

A better father. 

A better friend.

And another one ... 

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” James‬ ‭1:5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

When I was starting my own business (which I had never done before), I needed wisdom. 

I needed creative ideas. 

I needed God-like ideas. 

So, I prayed. 

I called out to God. 

And, he answered with a few ideas to get my small business off the ground. 

This is how the Meta has worked for me. 

And, it works for any situation. 

We each face an enemy every single day. 

The enemy we face comes to steal, kill and destroy. (See John 10:10)

There is no getting around it. 

You and I are in for a firefight.

It might be long-range, mid-range, or close, but it's coming. 

The question we must ask ourselves is, “are we prepared?"

Do we have the right weapons? 

Don’t show up to a gunfight with a knife. 

When my ego, self-worth, or goal is attacked, what do I do? 

Am I prepared? 

Do I have the META for this fight? 

We are going to get into a fight. 

That is guaranteed. 

I hope that I am prepared. 

I hope that you are prepared. 

And, while all of this is bouncing around your brain, let me leave you with this reminder. 

Someone needs courage from you. 

Someone needs wisdom from you. 

Someone needs you to come out victorious. 

The world is counting on you. 

Clutch up and get this dub today. 


Love you - Anthony 

按日 2


The M.E.T.A

If you enjoy gaming, but anxiety, a lack of courage, and pressure has knocked you as it did me, then let's hang out. This devotional is packed with a bunch of my failures and how I used The M.E.T.A (found in the Bible) to get back on my feet. My goal is to inspire you to become the GREATNESS that is inside you. Let's get this dub.
