How to Build a Godly & Manly Foxhole预览

How to Build a Godly & Manly Foxhole


NOTE: This devotional is meant to be consumed mainly in audio form. The text below simply serves as an outline for the audio material.

RECAP: 1. What makes a godly man?, 2. What makes a manly man?, 3. Can you be both godly and manly? 4. Was Jesus a manly man?, 5. What is a foxhole?, & 6. Why does a man need a foxhole?   

  • 1. What makes a godly man? 
    • 1. Truths outside the self (the narrative of humanity), and    
    • 2. Truths displayed publicly (answers the question: What makes a godly man?)...  
      • Listed characteristics of a godly man               
  • 2. What makes a manly man?
    • At Undaunted.Life, we have a definition of what a “man” is, and it’s this: “A man is a male that cultivates spiritual, mental, and physical resilience DAILY.”         
  • 3. Can you be both godly and manly?
    • Yes. Yes, of course!   
    • Adam Brown is certainly an example.   
    • Went deep into the story of Nehemiah, specifically the first 4 chapters of the book of Nehemiah.         
  • 4. Was Jesus a manly man?
    • Obviously Jesus is a godly man, because, He’s, (cough), God   
    • Jesus is manly because he’s the perfect man. He’s a perfect man. Perfectly manly.   
    • Jesus cultivated spiritual, mental, and physical resilience DAILY.    
    • Stories like him turning over the tables in the Temple and his 40 days of temptation in the desert show this.         
  • 5. What is a foxhole?  
    • A foxhole is a group of men that constantly push each other to cultivate spiritual, mental, and physical resilience DAILY.”    
    • Talked about how Jesus had a foxhole.    
    • 12 Apostles         
  • 6. Why do men need a foxhole? 
    • Jesus had one.   
    • We weren’t built to do battle alone.   
    • Looked at the story in Mark of the men helping the paralytic.    
    • Talked about the phalanx.          
  • Make sure you’ve listened to days 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 before you take in today’s lesson.


The BIG KEY: if you don’t have a foxhole already, BE THE ONE THAT STARTS IT!   

  • If you don’t already have a foxhole, put yourself in the mindset before you listen to the rest of this that YOU are going to be the one that gets it going.

How to build/maintain your foxhole   

  • Step 1: IDENTIFY   
  • Step 2: REFINE   
  • Step 3: MAINTAIN

Step 1: IDENTIFY   

  • Identify Foxhole Guys   
  • What a Foxhole Guy IS:  
    • 1. A guy you see OFTEN.   
    • 2. A guy that is AVAILABLE.   
    • 3. A guy that you’ve WATCHED make improvements in their life.   
    • 4. A guy that seems to always be STRIVING.   
    • 5. A guy that quickly identifies MISTAKES he has made and moves to remedy them.   
    • 6. A guy that doesn’t mind CONFRONTING you or others.   
    • 7. A guy that voraciously loves their woman.         
  • HUGE KEY: YOU have to be this kind of a guy as well!   
  • Where to find Foxhole Guys  
    • 1. Family   
    • 2. Church (PROCEED WITH CAUTION)   
    • 3. Gym   
    • 4. Jiu-jitsu academy   
    • 5. Social club   
    • 6. Work      

Step 2: REFINE   

  • Go back to day 5 of this devotional, when Jesus called his 12 Apostles, we looked at Mark 3:13-19.
    • Jesus didn’t just pick 12 random dudes. He CHOOSE these men from a larger group of disciples.         
  • What a Foxhole Guy is NOT: 
    • 1. A wuss   
    • 2. A complainer   
    • 3. An excuse-maker   
    • 4. A settler   
    • 5. An addict   
    • 6. A womanizer   
    • 7. A bum         
  • How to kick bums out of your foxhole  
    • Step 1: Confront   
    • Step 2: Challenge   
    • Step 3: Create distance   
    • Step 4: Cut off      

Step 3: MAINTAIN   

  • Perform regular maintenance 
    • Meet WEEKLY   
    • DO stuff   
    • Go on an ADVENTURE AT LEAST once a year   
    • DO life together   
    • Be VULNERABLE   
    • Never stop PUSHING one another       

Proverbs 27:17 (1995 New American Standard Bible version) - “Iron sharpens iron, So one man sharpens another.”   

  • The Benson Commentary: Quickens his ingenuity, enlivens his affections, strengthens his judgment, excites him to virtuous and useful actions, and makes him, in all respects, a better man.   
  • Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary: We are cautioned to take heed whom we converse with. And directed to have in view, in conversation, to make one another wiser and better.   
  • Pulpit Commentary: (my favorite on this passage) The writer names iron as the sharpener rather than the whetstone, because he wishes to denote that one man is of the same nature as another, and that this identity is that which makes mutual action possible and advantageous.

In order to sharpen other iron, you must yourself be sharp. Be the iron that sharpens iron.

Cultivate spiritual, mental, and physical resilience DAILY.

Build your foxhole, and continuously earn the right to keep it.

Develop a group of godly warriors that pushes back darkness in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Before you move on to the next thing, here are some questions to ask yourself:

1. Who are the “Foxhole Guys” in my life?

2. What are we doing as a foxhole that is helping us develop spiritual, mental, and physical resilience?

3. Am I sharp enough to sharpen iron?

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For more content like this, be sure to check out our other YouVersion devotionals, our website, and our podcast (Undaunted.Life: A Man’s Podcast) which can be accessed wherever you get your podcasts. 

Until next time, keep pushing back darkness… keep forging spiritual, mental, and physical resilience… KEEP SEEKING THE LION OF JUDAH.

按日 6


How to Build a Godly & Manly Foxhole

We've heard it all before... Men are lonely, aren't engaged, don't have friends, and don't have any men in their lives that they can truly count on. There are many reasons and theories given for this, but the real one is that men don't have a foxhole. In this devotional, we will teach men to surround themselves with men that cultivate spiritual, mental, and physical resilience daily. Buckle up, fellas...
