Following Christ's Character预览

Following Christ's Character




“Let brotherly love continue!” (Hebrews 13:1)

Christians are called to love with brotherly love. When we accept Jesus Christ as Lord and are born again with water and the Spirit, all of us become brothers and sisters in Christ.

The Bible says that God is love. This means that one of the characteristics of God is love. We believe that God's Spirit is in us, therefore, God's character (which is love) is also in us. Each of us has God's love that is sincere, pure, and able to accept things without any condition. This is the love of Lord Jesus.

The above verse gives us a command to keep brotherly love. The word "keep" here shows that this brotherly love is already in each one of us and our part is maintaining it by showing love and establishing loving relationships in the body of Christ. 

“But concerning brotherly love you have no need that I should write to you, for you yourselves are taught by God to love one another.” (1 Thessalonians 4:9)

Lord Jesus did not only teach about love but also set an example of how to love. We can see this when Lord Jesus washed the feet of His disciples: this is a picture of humility. We can only love our neighbors when we have humility.

In His ministry, Jesus healed the sick, released those who were bound, and performed miracles with compassion. 

Even the peak of Lord Jesus' ministry on Calvary is the greatest proof of His love for mankind. Have we learned to love like Lord Jesus?


Let's learn some concrete acts of love. Love is not only shown with words but also with deeds in truth.

1. Provide food for those who need it 

“Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels.” (Hebrews 13:2)

Just like the story of Abraham hosting three strangers who turned out to be God's angels (Genesis 18), we can also express this kind of love, for example by entertaining and hosting or helping God's servants and missionaries.

Giving could be done in various forms as it is not limited to host other people only. For example, we can give in the form of funds, energy, talent, and time. The most important thing in giving is generosity and an attitude that doesn’t expect anything in return. Love is always about giving, and the greatest gift is giving what we have for others.

Many people face difficult life problems or challenges during this pandemic season. They experience worry and fear. They also lose enthusiasm and experience despair. This the right time for us to express our brotherly love by encouraging and praying for one another (1 Thessalonians 5:11, James 5:16).

2. Understand those who are bound with sins 

“Remember the prisoners as if chained with them.” (Hebrews 13:3a)

Now let's learn from Lord Jesus about His attitude towards sinners.

• First, what was Jesus's attitude when He was confronted with a woman that was caught in adultery in John 8? 

• Second, what did Jesus do when Peter denied Him 3 times in Matthew 26? 

Lord Jesus showed mercy. He did not judge and even released forgiveness.

Many people around us are bound by sin. They are in the devil's "prison of sin" such as drugs, pornography, and other bad habits that damage the soul and body. God wants to use us as His co-workers to understand and release them from the prison of sin.

We can pray for them directly, give advice, and even extend a compassionate hand to help them, just like Lord Jesus who showed mercy, did not judge, and forgave those who sinned.

3. Help those who are weak

“Remember those who are mistreated—since you yourselves are in the body also.” (Hebrews 13:3b)

Maybe there are Christians who say something like this: "I also have many problems, I am also suffering, I need help, etc..."

Now is the time for us to stop thinking about ourselves. It's time to get out of self-pity. Shift the focus that only thinks about ourselves. Start looking and paying attention to our surroundings and help those who are weak around us.

Believe me that God will give strength to each one of us when we make such decisions. We will sow what we reap.  Strengthen those who are weak and we will reap strength from the Lord.

“But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.” (Luke 22:32)

Start by praying for those who are weak. We believe that the Holy Spirit will teach and guide us to do with the right actions to fulfill their needs so that those who are weak will be strong again.


“And may the Lord make you increase and abound in love to one another and all, just as we do to you.” (1 Thessalonians 3:12)

The love from God will increase precisely when we show love to other people. Let's start doing it with our brothers and sisters in the faith by praying and serving with love; then the world will surely see the love of Lord Jesus through the life of His church. 

Jesus bless you.

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Following Christ's Character

This plan will help the readers to follow the character of Christ in their daily activities. We are called as the salt and the light of the world, and to reflect the love and the character of Christ.
