Make A Difference预览

Make A Difference


Jesus Shapes You

Jesus shapes and tinkers, molds and forms. It’s what he’s good at. He walked the earth as a carpenter—trimming edges, nailing boards, and constructing treasured and useful items.

Jesus shapes people too. For instance, he radically changed a stuffy, murderous, religious-type named Saul. Jesus knocked his egotistical, self-righteous butt to the ground. Jesus then healed the hatred and hurt that was in Saul's heart. So deep was the transformation, in fact, that Jesus was able to use Saul (who changed his name to Paul) to shape others. He formed him into a life-giving example for people to follow.

You too can be changed by Jesus to become someone who changes others.

Lord Jesus, trim from me everything that gets in the way of your work in my life. Let me be transformed as your agent in this world.

Difference Maker: Think of a habit in your life that is holding you back from fully serving God. Give it up to Jesus. Make a plan of action, and let Jesus change you so that you can change others.

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Make A Difference

God wants to recreate you so that you will change this world. These devotionals, taken from the book, Make a Difference: 365 World-Changing Devotions, are meant to be more than personal quiet times. Time spent with Jesus should kick us into that world-changing gear where God operates. Each devotional contains reflections, verses, prayers, and a “Difference Maker” challenge where Jesus shapes us so that we can impact others.
