Christmas: The Divine Interruption 预览

Christmas: The Divine Interruption



As we think about the various men associated with Jesus’ birth, the magi, shepherds, Herod, Zacharias, and John the Baptist, let’s be careful that we don’t overlook Joseph, who was a semi-stepdad figure in Jesus’ life. While we don’t know much about his life, there are some very significant things that we should consider related to Joseph.

Joseph stayed engaged to Mary even though she was pregnant out of wedlock. Religious and cultural propriety in Joseph’s day entitled him to walk away from Mary since it seemed she had been unfaithful to him. However, we read that Joseph was a righteous man and had no intention of maligning or shaming Mary. And God interrupted Joseph’s plan to quietly put Mary to the side, having learned of her unexpected pregnancy. Joseph was compassionate, protective, obedient, and attentive.

Joseph protected Jesus from being murdered by Herod in Bethlehem after an angelic visit in a dream. When we read these verses, it stands out that after the angelic visitation in his dream, Joseph was quick to act on the divine information he received. His immediate response protected Jesus from being slaughtered with the rest of the babies and toddlers in Bethlehem at that time. After two years of living in Egypt as a place of refuge from Herod’s violence, Joseph was notified in a dream of Herod’s death. When Joseph knew that Herod was dead, he returned to Israel with Mary and Jesus, settling down in Nazareth where Jesus would grow up.

Joseph was a carpenter and his profession enabled him to provide for his family. While at first glance it may seem like Joseph was a minor influence in Jesus’ upbringing, let’s never minimize nor belittle his important role in Jesus’ life. Joseph was Jesus’ protector and provider when Jesus was an infant, a toddler, and throughout his childhood upbringing. In a similar way, let’s never perceive as small or inconsequential our roles and efforts to bring the knowledge of genuine Jesus to the world around us!

Reflection: In what ways can you be faithful to steward whatever God has given you? Are there people in your life that you sense God would have you protect or look after for a time?

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Christmas: The Divine Interruption

When Jesus was born into human existence, it was the most epic interruption to human history that has ever happened. God loves us enough to punctuate history in human skin; not as a king, president, or noble warrior, but as a helpless newborn. This reading plan studies the people surrounding Christ’s birth and their response to (or role in) this divine interruption on the timeline of history.
