An Analog Life in a Digital World预览

An Analog Life in a Digital World


There are attributes of God which belong to Him alone- God alone has infinite knowledge (omniscient) and God alone has infinite power (omnipotent), for example. There are other aspects of God's character, however, in which He intends for His followers to be like Him. Because we are made in His image we can reflect His goodness, His love, and His patience, for example. And as the Spirit transforms our hearts and minds to be more like Him, we can also gain wisdom. 

Wisdom is tricky though. Human beings tend to believe themselves smarter and wiser than others. We like to be right. We don't like to admit we're wrong. Does that describe you in large part or even small? 

What is Paul teaching the church in Corinth about God and His wisdom? If God is most wise, where should we be looking for wisdom? Where does the "wisdom of the world" come from? In your daily interactions with others and in the decisions you make, are you thoughtful, prayerful, intentional about choosing wise words and actions? Or do you more often go with your gut?

Take a Next Step: Before you post or share or send message today, think through the wisdom of your words. 

Use this prompt to lead you into prayer:

God, I want to live and work and speak with your wisdom...


An Analog Life in a Digital World

Screens dominate our daily experience, especially the one in our hands. The allure is taking priority over connection with God. But we can’t blame technology for our upside-down priorities. Digital innovations have put bibles in pockets and worship services in living rooms. We can learn to accept the good, reject the bad, and follow Jesus through it all by living an analog life in a digital world.
