Worship Forever: A 5-Day Devotional by Michael W. Smith预览

Worship Forever: A 5-Day Devotional by Michael W. Smith



“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.” John 4:23 (NIV)

The fact that God not only accepts our worship, but actually seeks our worship is a truth so profound that it’s hard to even put into words.

God exists in a realm of glory and sufficiency that we cannot conceive. It’s hard for us to imagine what it would be like to be perfectly fulfilled and in need of nothing and no one. We, by our very nature, are dependent beings and have a constant need of life-sustaining support. Yet God has never needed anything of the sort. He is fully content and fulfilled in and of Himself. 

This is what makes His desire for our worship so amazing. And this is also what makes our lack of worship so tragic. The almighty God loves us with a perfect love that we don’t deserve, yet we so often refuse to even acknowledge His love, let alone live and revel in it.

It’s time for us to lay down the silly distractions and petty idols and return to the one who alone deserves our worship. 

“I’m sorry Lord for the thing I’ve made it. ‘Cause it’s all about You.”

We can complicate worship and make it about our favorite songs, styles, or tradition. But that’s not what it’s about. It’s always just been about Him.

So let all the extra stuff fade away today. And simply gaze upon Him. Be grateful for Him. Be amazed by HIM. That is the worship He is seeking. 

And an amazing thing will happen. When we worship our unchanging God, we begin to change. We are transformed into His likeness more and more as we truly worship Him. We really do “become what we behold.”

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Worship Forever: A 5-Day Devotional by Michael W. Smith

"Worship Forever" is the latest album from Michael W. Smith where he re-imagines his original 2001 "Worship" album with a symphony orchestra. This companion 5-day devotional is a journey back to the 'heart of worship', to renew our dependence on God and to draw closer to Him not only in singing worship, but living every day in the awe of our AWESOME GOD.
