Vow to Plow 预览

Vow to Plow


Plowing Requires Vision

Plowing is hard work, but a farmer has VISION of a rich outcome from all his toil in an amazing harvest, and this is what motivates him. The Hosea passage ends with the instruction to begin by seeking the Lord until he comes and rains his justice and righteousness. The corporate vision for the people of God involved a looking forward to a time when society would be ordered according to justice and principles grounded in caring for one’s neighbor and the stranger. It is a vision of a society where those with plenty understand their obligations to those without and to the community as a whole.  

The softening of our heart begins in the seeking of his. As we get to know the heart of God – which, of course, is for justice and mercy, for all things to be reconciled and made right, for the “on earth as it is in heaven” kind of vision – we are more prepared for the kinds of works, responses, and character development that bear the fruit of that vision. As we seek God’s heart for people, for his kingdom to come on earth, it’s amazing how we start to have a vision for our own life that’s bigger than just ourselves. Jesus wants to expose any barriers that prevent us from fully seeking God: love of money, possessions, position, notoriety, jealousy, and so on.  Our lack of kingdom vision causes us to miss out on all the beauty Christ offers for life. 


Describe how your life is currently informed by Kingdom vision. How have you ordered life in such a way that justice and righteousness ground your love and care for others in your community?

What barriers have you sensed God calling you to acknowledge and surrender in this season or in the past?  

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Vow to Plow

Join Hillsong East Coast's online experience and walk through this corresponding plan based on Pastor Danielle Jeyaratnam's September 2021 message, "Vow to Plow ." Read through God's Word within each devotional and reflect through guided questions for individual consideration and group discussion. We pray it encourages you!
