Pitching Your Proposal预览

Pitching Your Proposal, Part II
In this Bible reading plan, we’re discussing Carmine Gallo’s three recommendations for developing a pitch or promoting your organization. The first tip is to keep it short.
Gallo illustrates his point by sharing what Google founders used to pitch its launch. Sergey Brin and Larry Page told an investor, "Google organizes the world’s information and makes it universally accessible."
These ten simple words engaged their audience, which led to funding for their vision.
Jesus also knew the importance of being succinct with His message. In Luke 19:10 Jesus said, "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost."
If you are trying to get others to buy into your organization’s vision, Gallo recommends keeping your pitch to 140 characters or less.
Questions for Reflection:
- Considering this tip, why do you suppose that company pitches are sometimes referred to as “elevator speeches”?
- What is your personal or your company pitch? Is it brief enough?
- What two verbs, or action words, make Jesus’ message in Luke 19:10 so effective?

Succinct. Meaningful. Consistent. Do these words describe your next proposal or business objective? Jesus was masterful at making His pitch. Join us in this Bible reading plan as we help you develop your next pitch with helpful tips and Biblical insight.