Seeking Contentment at Christmas预览

Seeking Contentment at Christmas


There are so many things to love about Christmas – the lights, music, food and celebrations! They are reminders of how our world was changed by the most significant birth in history – the arrival of Jesus Christ. 

Christmas provides opportunities for families and friends to be together while offering a pleasant break from routine. Yet, many, in their desire to be generous and loving, have sacrificed all sense and good judgement.

It is a common observation that the way Christmas is promoted and marketed is a gross commercialism of Christ’s birth. People indenture themselves to creditors for an entire year to buy “stuff” they think will bring happiness to others. 

Many parents feel pressured to give their children whatever they request, and then overextend by failing to plan. They might even want their children to fit in with their peers, which can often lead to overindulgence.

But it’s not just parents! Our society has jumped on the Christmas “debt-wagon” and are financing things previous generations would struggle to fathom. The list includes smartphones, televisions, furniture, computers, entertainment systems, appliances, engagement rings, cars, and pets.

Let’s consider some possible solutions for avoiding the debt trap at Christmas: 

  • Pray and seek wisdom from the Lord
  • Reset priorities and adjust lifestyle
  • Renew your mind with truth
  • Seek accountability with a trusted friend
  • Plan ahead
  • Budget
  • Pay cash
  • Avoid social media
  • Take on an extra job to avoid debt
  • Sell some stuff
  • Build savings now for next Christmas

Regardless of what we spend, there’s an enemy dedicated to destroying and stealing our joy. We must draw battle lines and reject the lie that debt will bring happiness. Or, that expensive gifts are the only way to bring joy to a loved one. Let’s set our hope on God, “who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.” (1 Timothy 6:17b ESV) He is trustworthy, and a reliable source of joy!

This truth eliminates the need to compete with others. It offers the freedom to develop God’s plan for your family without the pressure from the commercial world.

We must decide if we truly serve the God of the universe. If so, then our omniscient Father will meet our needs to show love to others, without our indebtedness at Christmas.

It requires believing that God’s plan is different from the world’s and is more fulfilling, not less.

And, the light, the sounds, the celebrations this year can be centered around the Savior who came into the world in a lowly manager, in an obscure city with no display of power or riches, yet, He gave us His best, abundant life – His life. (John 10:10b ESV) Oh come, let us adore Him!

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Seeking Contentment at Christmas

Christmas is a time to pause, ponder, and praise the gift Jesus. Rather than succumbing to the unwanted burden of financial and social obligations, we must intentionally seek stillness to hear the voice of God. Much of our loss of peace comes with the financial pressures we feel when the emphasis of the season is on buying gifts.This plan will help you focus on what really matters at Christmas.
