Sharing the Good News as a Disciple of Jesus预览

Sharing the Good News as a Disciple of Jesus


Praise Christ for Spiritual Blessings
By Rev. Mark Bartsch 

“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.” (Ephesians 1:7)

Are you able to have good, well-rounded conversations with family and friends? Do you know where your family members stand on spiritual issues? 

Where do you stand with your friends? Are you afraid to ask questions because you fear their response and the possible repercussions? 

You do not want to alienate family members or push them away. You probably do not want to be seen as someone who pushes their faith on someone else.

 You want to be as tactful as you can be when the topic is Jesus Christ and what He has done for you.

Here again are the apostle Paul’s words: “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.” 

These are words I cannot keep to myself; people need to know they have a Savior from sin. Take note of the cost to the individual person—there is no cost. Redemption is purchased, whereas salvation is free.

Jesus paid the price by shedding His blood to pay for the sins of all people. Therefore, we are redeemed. 

We can rejoice in the riches of God’s grace. 

Prayer: Dear Lord God, help us to have good, open conversations with our family and friends. Help us to share the joy that we have in the free forgiveness of our sins. Move us to share the riches of God’s grace. Your redemption is free. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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Sharing the Good News as a Disciple of Jesus

Our love and faith in Jesus moves us to share the gospel with joyful enthusiasm. As Christians and disciples of Jesus, we are called to share the good news of Jesus Christ. We know the comfort provided by Christ’s righteousness and can share that feeling. We can rejoice in the riches of God’s grace. This six-day devotion series, shared by TLHA's chaplains, focuses on opportunities to share about our Lord.
