Uncommen: A Distorted View 预览

Uncommen: A Distorted View


A Clear Reflection

1 Corinthians 13:12 "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known."

Now we get to the end of our study and look at what we see now versus what we shall see then. 

What we see now: A dimly lit mirror

Just as God's ways are far beyond our ways, our perception and understanding struggle with the same restrictions. While we can read God's Word, we will never fully understand its depths and full meanings.That's why it's essential to spend time in the Word and prayer with God, asking for wisdom. That mirror will remain dim our whole life, but we can learn as much as we can and reflect Christ as much as possible.

I must say it's frustrating not FULLY understanding scripture, the will of God, or His direction in my life right now. We've all been in a situation where we don't know what to do and pray for God to direct us. I know there've been times when I'd like the answer to be clear, and now, please. But there is silence. Time needs to pass; I need to mature and trust. Events must transpire before I get my answer. Then again, I may never get my answer. After all, God is not in a genie lamp that I rub to get my wishes granted when I want them.

What we will see then will be made fully known

It is said that we only use about 10% of our brain, which reminds me of the difference between being here to being "in-person" with Jesus. I've always said I have a list of questions to ask when I get to heaven. But, as we can see by our scripture, all will be made fully known, and all of my questions will fade to understanding. What a glorious day that will be when we have the mind of Christ and can revel in full fellowship with the Savior. 

All the little questions I have here on earth will fade to a much larger perspective. It's so human to think we will take issues from here into heaven to be addressed. 

In summary, I hope this study has shed a little light on how we see ourselves, how others see us, and how God sees us. But of that list, the only one that matters is God.

Uncommen Questions:

How do you see yourself?

How do others see you?

How does God see you?

Uncommen Challenge:

I challenge us all to get honest about who and what we reflect because it should be Christ Jesus.

计划天: 4


Uncommen: A Distorted View

We take mirrors for granted these days as they are so commonplace in our everyday lives. But original mirrors were not the reflective glass we are used to today but rather polished stone, gold, or even brass. These tended to be murky, distorted surfaces that didn't do a very good job of reflecting the true self. Join us as we adjust our perspective.
