Watermark Gospel | Abraham & Isaac预览
Day 3: The Gospel Connections
Gospel Connections
Gospel Connections are the links between a biblical story and the gospel of Jesus. Review the Gospel Connections below and learn how to find Jesus in every story of the Bible.
Gospel Connection 1
1. Isaac was the beloved son of Abraham and the covenant son of promise (Gen 22:2; Heb 11:17).
1. Jesus was the beloved Son of God and the Covenant Son of Promise (John 3:16).
Gospel Connection 2
2. God commanded Father Abraham to offer his son as a bloody sacrifice on a hill outside Jerusalem called Mount Moriah (Gen 22:2).
2. God the Father had to offer his Son as a bloody sacrifice on a hill outside Jerusalem called Mount Golgotha (Matt 27:33).
Gospel Connection 3
3. Isaac carried the wood for his own sacrifice on his back as he climbed up the hill with his father (Gen 22:6).
3. Jesus carried the wooden cross of his own sacrifice on his back to the hill (John 19:16-17).
...More Gospel Connections and Takeaways
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Father Abraham was commanded to sacrifice his unique and beloved son, Isaac. But at the last moment, God spared Isaac from death by providing a substitute sacrifice! What — or who — did God intend to teach Abraham about through this experience?