Becoming Christlike through Renovation of the Heart预览

Becoming Christlike through Renovation of the Heart


Transforming Thoughts

“Bluntly, to serve God well we must think straight; and crooked thinking, unintentional or not, always favors evil. And when the crooked thinking gets elevated into group orthodoxy, whether religious or secular, there is always, quite literally, ‘hell to pay.’ That is, hell will take its portion as it has repeatedly done in the horrors of world history.” - Dallas Willard, excerpted from Renovation of the Heart

Has anyone ever told you to think before you speak? Whether we like it or not, this is great advice. We live in a world where much of what comes out of people’s mouths is said without much thought of ramification, or even if what is being said is true.

Today, there is a barrage of information, ways of thinking, and constant opinions that exist without much discernment. All you need to do is go to the grocery store and see what the checkout line reading looks like.

The way of Christian spiritual formation requires an intentional grasp and hold over the thoughts and opinions we have and hear. On the thought level, we have the power to think how we’d like, but this does not mean everything is beneficial to us. Everything we take in will have a consequence in progression or regression on the path to becoming more like Jesus.

Dallas Willard mentions, “the saying garbage in and garbage out nowhere has greater force than in the spiritual life.” The base reality of Christian spiritual formation is that God proves his love towards us by being in the middle of our sinfulness. Christ died for us “while we were still sinners.” (Romans 5.8)

What we take in—our time on social media, how much news we consume, and the television shows we binge watch -- all become part of our spiritual transformation. There is a dire need to renovate our lives by paying attention to what we consume, and this attention will surely give clarity to our efforts for formation towards Christlikeness.


What do I consume without thinking? Is it good for me?


God, we know that thinking is not opposed to faith. By your grace, bring to light the ideas and images that are contrary to your love, and empower us with Holy Spirit hunches as we spend time with you. Amen.

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Becoming Christlike through Renovation of the Heart

Reading the New Testament often feels like looking into another world and another life unlike our own experience with God. Dallas Willard believed that the life God presented to us through Jesus was not meant to be an unsolvable puzzle, but a journey of small steps that quietly lead to our own inner transformation. This study, based on Renovation of the Heart, helps us understand that journey.
