To Be Made Well预览

To Be Made Well


How can I bring healing to those around me?

Healing leads to more healing. One of the beautiful truths throughout Jesus’ ministry is that when people experience healing, they tell other people about it, and those people in turn experience healing. In the case of this woman who has been bleeding for years, after Jesus publicly proclaims that she has been made well, he sends her back into her community to be an agent of healing. He says, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering” (Mark 5:34).

When Jesus sends this woman out “in peace,” he is not simply wishing her well as she reenters society. He is referring to the Jewish concept of shalom, which our English Bibles translate as “peace.” Shalom is the idea not only that each of us has individual wholeness, but that our relationships with one another and with God and with the land are also restored to wholeness and health. Jesus heals this woman, and he sends her into her community to continue that healing work.

Healing is for us as individuals, but it is also for us collectively. Jesus equips us to be people who bring shalom.

When we receive Jesus’ healing love, it is as if our lives become vessels of that love, filled to overflowing. Like this woman, we can move out into our broken families, broken communities, and broken society with the healing that we have already received.

Questions for reflection:

Where have you received healing from God?

How could you bring that healing into your community?

Prayer: God, help me see the places where you have begun healing work in my life. Help me see how I can bring that healing into the world around me and invite others into relationships of health and wholeness. Thank you for your healing love. Amen.

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To Be Made Well

Physical pain, emotional pain, and divisions in our culture leave us all in need of healing. In this five-day plan, Amy Julia Becker shares how you can experience healing from God in your body, spirit, and community, even if that healing doesn’t look like how you imagined it. Receive God’s healing love, discover your role in the healing process, and learn how you can bring healing to those around you.
