Redemption Road: When God Restores What You Lost (Part 1)预览

Redemption Road: When God Restores What You Lost (Part 1)


Joseph: Favor Is Just Not Fair

Losses are challenging. Some are more significant than others but challenging nonetheless. A lot of how we process loss is determined by how we encountered it in the first place. When we lose things because of others' malice, negligence, or jealousy, it fosters resentment and adds layers to grief that can take months or years to unpack. Standing in the way of our intimacy with God might be feelings of disappointment, frustration, unforgiveness, bitterness, hopelessness, and sorrow. It is an uncomfortable process that you and I are no strangers to, and neither are many heroes of the faith.

In this series, we will look at the stories of three people, starting with Joseph. As we read his story, it is hard not to sympathize as his relationships, credibility, and resources are taken from him undeservedly. However, as his story unfolds, so do the truths about God’s desire to redeem His people.

We first meet Joseph in the book of Genesis. Even as a teenager, his life is marked by God’s favor. Unfortunately, that would cause a series of unfortunate but divine events in his life. Understanding the favor on Joseph's life gives us our first lesson— difficulties are not always exclusively the result of evil. Sometimes, grace draws unwanted attention from others. In those moments, we get to see God redeem our situations, develop our character, and protect us through what others meant for evil.

According to Genesis 37:3, Joseph was loved more than all of his brothers. As a result, they envied him. Starting with kidnapping and selling him into slavery, that envy drove them to actions that turned Joseph’s world upside down for decades. If you are taking notes, the second thing to write down is that, like Joseph, you can be in a place of brokenness and still be in the will of God. 2 Peter 3:8 makes it clear that God does not measure time the same way that we do. Joseph's redemption story took years to unfold. That is encouraging news for you and me. Even if you have been praying for restoration for years, do not stop. God still hears you. It is through our prayers that He shows Himself strong—not just for the preservation of our faith, but for the sake of His integrity as a good father. Keep praying and see the Lord’s deliverance.


Father, thank you for Your favor and for being gracious. You see the beginning, middle, and end, and You desire to protect me through all of it. I ask that according to Philippians 1:6, you would finish the perfect work that You have started in my life. I pray that You restore what has been lost and redeem what the enemy meant for evil. I humbly ask that You make my life a living testimony of Your power, love, and grace.

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Redemption Road: When God Restores What You Lost (Part 1)

The road to redemption is hardly a straight line. Whether you are recovering from financial devastation, heartache from a relationship, or a delay that has left you feeling behind in life, restoration can be hard to imagine. Join Minority Christian Women Entrepreneurs Network (MCWEN) Founder Andrena Sawyer for the restoration series that reminds you that God is fully invested in making you whole again.
