Empowered Living预览

Empowered Living


Releasing and Receiving

There has to be a daily “releasing and receiving” to live an EMPOWERED life. Each new day is a gift for a fresh new start. His mercies are new every morning! He is waiting breathlessly for our intimate return to our destiny, an intimate relationship with Him. Living completely dependent on a Sovereign good Abba Daddy Father God is nothing short of exciting! Dependency is a gift that brings freedom; hard to believe but true. That is the good news! The bad news is it is not easy to live surrendered. We are selfish creatures. As we have discussed, we are control freaks! Many of us are simply sleepwalking blindly through the nuances and busyness of each day. Our enemy wants us sleep-walking. He wants us unaware of our identity as believers. He wants us unaware of all we are missing. Blind. Sleepwalking. Numb. Hopeless.

Wake up! The enemy comes to rob, steal and destroy our joy, but He has come so we might have life and life abundantly! Where is the disconnect? Each morning. Each day. Each moment I ask you to consider living open-handed to release and receive. Let us open our hands and RELEASE those burdens that drain the life out of us. Things like:

Lies … anxiety … depression … anger … uncertainty … heavy yokes … fear … bitterness … doubt … victim feelings … hopelessness … impatience … hatred … unforgiveness … to name a few.

Let us open our hands and RECEIVE life-giving options! Things like:

Love … joy … peace beyond our understanding … patience … kindness … goodness … self-control … strength in our weakness … confidence in a Sovereign God and His plans for us …

Hope for tomorrow … purpose … fulfillment … a yoke that is light … to name a few.

We have the choice. Evaluate each moment of each day and how you can choose to live EMPOWERED and FROM His indwelling power!

Open your hands to release and receive! Life is too short!

按日 4


Empowered Living

Life can often be so overwhelming. How do some people walk tall and empowered while others seem to drown in overwhelm and exhaustion? Is there a choice? Are some of us victims while others are victors? Is life happening FOR some and life happening TO others? Do we have a say so in the quality of our lives? I sure hope so. Let’s discuss EMPOWERED living.
