How to Pray for the Unsaved预览

How to Pray for the Unsaved



If we don’t pray “God, please save them,” how do we pray for an unsaved person?

Second Corinthians 4:4 says the god of this world (the devil) has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ. So the first thing I do when praying for the unsaved is to bind the devil off their mind.

You see, the unsaved don’t know their minds are spiritually blinded, and even if they did, they don’t have the authority to do anything about it. You and I know it, and we also have the authority over the devil in Jesus’ name! (Luke 10:19).

So I pray, “In Jesus’ Name, devil, I bind you off the mind of so-and-so. Get off them now! Now I declare that the light of the Gospel is shining on them. It’s shining; it’s shining, it’s shining.”

That means, no matter what it looks like or how they’re acting, I keep believing the light of the Gospel is shining on them. So now, every time the gospel goes by them, it no longer falls on a blinded mind — it shines. They see it, hear it, and understand it like they couldn’t before. It’s working in their hearts and minds because the Word doesn’t return void (Isaiah 55:11).

So every time someone talks to them about Jesus — or they channel surf by a preacher, or see a billboard or read a tract — they’ll be able to see and hear the truth about Jesus that can free them!

Next, I do what Jesus said in Luke 10:2 “…pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. I pray, “Father, send people across their path every day, all day – people they’ll listen to.”

These prayers are in line with God’s Word and, therefore, more effective. They enable me to stop worrying about the people I’m praying for and keep my faith extended toward them.

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How to Pray for the Unsaved

We all want people to be saved. We want them to live in God’s blessings here on earth, and we especially want them to spend eternity in heaven! But Jesus is not going to the cross again to save anyone – He’s already done everything He’s going to do for their salvation. How then do we pray for unsaved people? Read on.
