God's Goodness in Our Grief预览

God's Goodness in Our Grief



When deep sorrow overwhelms me, I am reminded Jesus understands pain to its fullest extent. God knew we would have sorrow. His heart is for us to not have to endure it alone. His plan to comfort and restore us came through His Son, Jesus.

Jesus knew He was the Savior of the world, and He knew going to the cross had to be done. Still, Jesus cried out to God, “Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me. Nevertheless, not My will, but Yours, be done.” (Luke 22:42) Jesus asked, and God was faithful to answer in a way we may not understand.

Jesus submitted to His suffering in obedience, and God was with Him at every step. God is with us too. Jesus’ obedience to endure the pain of the cross serves as an example to us. There are times when we will succumb to the anguish and we will need help. Jesus advocates on our behalf as One who has suffered and knows.

If we are willing to relinquish it to Jesus, we don’t have to carry our burdens alone. We don’t have to stay in the darkness of our sorrow. We can live in the truth that after the darkness, there was light, and in the light, there was hope. Jesus is our hope.

● What burden do you need Jesus to help you carry?

● Journal a note of thanks to Jesus thanking Him for His sacrifice for you.

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God's Goodness in Our Grief

Several years ago, cancer took the life of my sister and left our family devastated. The heartbreak was unbearable. We were overwhelmed in our grief by what seemed like unanswered prayers. Loss is real, and the agony from loss is certain. Through this four-day plan, I pray you will come to trust God through your heartache and allow Him to sustain you.
