How to Know if They Are the One预览

How to Know if They Are the One


Although I mentioned that the Bible doesn't have much to say regarding our dating life, the Bible limits our options as Christians, to those "only in the Lord."

That means that the person you are dating has to be in the Lord, not you just in the church, or better yet, not someone you expect to lead to Jesus sometime in the future.

2 Corinthians 6 tells us to not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. This verse is not talking about being friends or working with unbelievers, it refers to not entering into a covenant with unbelievers. Therefore, as a believer, we are warned and told to not enter into a relationship with someone who is not a believer.

Some other things to be on the lookout for is for the intimate friendships with people not committed to the Lord. This is crucial because by being aware of this, you get to know who they are comfortable with groups of secular people or with godly people. I am not saying that the person you're interested in should not be friends with nonbelievers, but if their closest and most intimate friends are not believers, there could be a problem.

Also, keep an eye out for sinful habits, addictions, and struggles they might have.

You should not date someone who is actively struggling with addictions and sin. They need help; with repentance, rehabilitation, deliverance, and discipline in order to develop new healthy habits.

They need to get freedom before getting into a relationship.

Let's Pray:

Father, Scripture is very clear about not being yoked with unbelievers. I want to do as Your Word says and choose wisely, not someone who has addictions and is friends with the world. Please guide me and help me to discern correctly.

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How to Know if They Are the One

People of all ages often come up to me and ask "How do I know if the person I am dating is the one God has for me?" If you're reading this, you're probably curious to know the answer yourself. I may not be able to give you an exact yes or no answer, but in this reading plan, I hope to help you narrow down your answer.
