At the Table - The People Jesus Spent Time With预览

At the Table - The People Jesus Spent Time With


A Promised Future Meal

We’ve seen that Jesus passionately pursues people who are lost and far from him. That He is loving enough to both point out and forgive our sins if we would only acknowledge them, and He is not afraid of the doubt we have but wants to experience the reality of his resurrection. There were other meals Jesus shared with people that reveal his heart, but there is one meal that hasn’t happened yet that Jesus is preparing for us right now. Throughout different parts of the Bible, there is a promised feast and meal that we will share with Jesus when he returns as King and brings his Kingdom finally to rule and reign on earth.

At this feast, we’re promised that all gloom and depression with be moved. That Jesus himself will wipe away our tears, and we will finally meet Jesus face to face and worship him for all the ways he saved his people. This day will be better than anything else we’ve ever experienced.

So as you wrap up this devotional, we want you to see that Jesus is a conquering king who has promised to return. He is preparing a table for you and for all those who have trusted in him.

Reflect: Jesus has promised to return, and all who have trusted in him will have eternal life. Is there someone in your life that doesn’t yet know Jesus? How could you intentionally share a meal with them to help point them to Jesus?

Pray: “Jesus, keep me faithful until you return. Help me to use every meal, every conversation, and every day to give one more person the opportunity to meet you and respond to your love. You are loving, forgiving, challenging, and alive. Amen.”

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At the Table - The People Jesus Spent Time With

Over the next 5 days, we are going to take time to discover who Jesus is from the people he grabbed lunch with. Jesus’ mission was fully focused on those who were far from His Father. Therefore, in order for us to live a life devoted to Jesus, we must always focus on those who are far off.
