Draw Near - Position预览

Draw Near - Position


Since Adam and Eve’s disobedience, sin has separated people from God. So, what is God’s problem with sin? The Bible says everyone has sinned, everyone! God’s problem with sin is not just the action but rather the result it causes. We were created to live in relationship with Him, and sin stops us from entering into that relationship. The consequence of sin is separation from God and His plan for your life.

Sin means we live our own way, turned away from God. When we are turned away from God, we live apart from Him. The results of living our own way keep us from having the life God has planned for us. God wants us to have the best life possible, to be friends with Him, and turn towards Him.

Because God loves us so much, He intervened to solve the problem of sin and created the separation solution!

Through Jesus, God has made a way for us to be right with Him. Jesus became man to take on the weight of our sins. He formed the bridge between God and us, connecting us so that we can live with God. We all have the choice to turn from living our own way and to choose to follow Jesus.

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Draw Near - Position

Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Discover that God created us to be close to Him, learn how to position yourself in God’s Word, and know that through Christ, we can draw near to God.
