7 Days of Meditation and Declarations for Every Son of God预览

7 Days of Meditation and Declarations for Every Son of God


Help Yourself to Some Courage

The story goes that there is an ancient Chinese curse that, translated to English, says, “May you live in interesting times.” It turns out there is no evidence that such a curse was ever spoken in China, but we do find ourselves living in interesting times, don’t we? Times of turmoil and upheaval, polarization and confusion. Times in which many around us are anxious, angry, fearful, or in despair. Of course, we are not the first generation to live through an interesting season.

I think about my maternal grandfather, born in 1892. By the time he reached his twenty-fifth year, he had already seen two nationwide financial waves of panic, a world war so extreme they were calling it “The War to End All Wars,” and a global pandemic.

By the time Grandad Jackson reached the age of fifty, history had added a Great Depression, a mega-drought called the Dust Bowl, another global war, and the loss of his wife to an infection five years before penicillin became widely available. He passed away more than fifty years ago when I was still a kid, but oh, how I wish I could ask him for some insights on living and leading a family in “interesting times.”

Those who remember him better than I talk about his quiet courage. Courage is a vital attribute in a man living through times of turmoil. God understands this far better than we do, which is why He spoke the words in today’s key verse to the Israelites on the eve of Moses’ death.

The leader they had known and depended upon for forty miraculous years had just told them he was about to die. The Israelites were homeless and surrounded by hostile nations. Across the river lay their goal, but it was filled with fortified cities and giants. They found themselves living in an interesting time. At that moment, Moses commands them to “Take courage.”

Courage is not something you’re either born with or without. You can “take” courage—that is, reach out and grab it from a source. Where do you find courage so you can take some? The answer is right there in verse: “Be strong. Take courage. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; he won’t leave you” (Deuteronomy 31:6 MSG, emphasis mine).

He said they should take courage “because” God was going before them, would be with them, and would not leave them. Every one of those things is true for you today! Your heavenly Father is present. He is powerful. And He is faithful.

Grace Declaration: Faithful Father, You have already gone before me, working in my future to prepare a path through these “interesting times” for my loved ones and me. You are with me and will never leave me nor forsake me. From these truths, I reach out by faith and “take” a generous portion of courage. I am a courageous man, not because of anything I have done, but solely because of the One who is with me and for me.

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7 Days of Meditation and Declarations for Every Son of God

A deeper understanding of God’s grace will transform men by rooting their identities in who they truly are in Christ and in the process, equip them to push back the darkness around them. “Praying Grace for Men” will lead men, step-by-step, through a journey of transformation—into a place of victory, rest, freedom, and peace. Let David Holland’s words guide you into a rewarding breakthrough adventure.
