How Do You Know When It's God?预览

How Do You Know When It's God?


A Confirming Word

God has the power to speak in many ways. If you read His Word, you will know that God is not limited in how He gets His messages, whether prophetic, comforting or encouraging to His children.

There are times that God will show up with a message that our heart will know is for us as we sit listening to a sermon in church. Other times, it could be through small groups, a phone call with a family or friend, or even in the passing of a stranger.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, knows what it's like to encounter a startling prophetic word on her journey. The angel Gabriel was sent by God to her, and when Mary met Gabriel, she was startled, suspicious, and afraid. I believe we can encounter similar responses when facing prophetic messages spoken to us in our day.

Gabriel shows patience and grace when she notices Mary's fear. The angel encourages her not to be afraid. Gabriel lets Mary know that showing up in her life is good news and favor from God. Once Mary hears the message from Gabriel and the confirming word concerning her cousin Elizabeth, she immediately submits to the will of God even without it truly making sense.

What can we learn from Mary when determining how we can know if a word we received is truly from God?

  1. God sends someone that encourages us, not condemns us. Mary was immensely afraid when she saw Gabriel, and recognizing her fear, she immediately comforted and affirmed her. This angel could discern Mary's countenance, allowing her to deliver this message from a place of understanding, patience, encouragement, and grace.
  2. Even if afraid, God's word will instill a peace that surpasses understanding. Although Mary did not understand the fullness of what was being spoken to her, she calmed when she heard the prophetic message conveyed over her life. She went from fear to wondering how God would do what He was saying would take place. She went from startled to belief and then to curiosity.
  3. God knows how to connect and confirm His word in a way that we can resonate with internally. Gabriel referenced Elizabeth in her prophetic message to inform Mary that she was undoubtedly speaking from a place of wisdom and prophecy concerning her life. When Mary heard the reference, she knew it was God and said, "let it happen as it has been spoken."

God sent an angel to Mary, and although afraid, she listened and responded to what was being spoken to her. Sometimes, God references things He's done before just so that we can trust that if He did it before, He most certainly could do it again, and this is how we can honestly know when it is Him.

If you enjoy this 3-day plan, check out our latest book, "How Do You Know When It's God?"

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How Do You Know When It's God?

Have you ever stopped and wondered, "God, how do I know if this is You?" You are not the only one. The Bible provides many examples of God speaking to His children and the fear they experienced when they recognized His voice. This 3-day series helps you know that God speaks to His children and provides tips on how you can recognize when He is explicitly leading you.
