Christ as King: A Study in Matthew预览

Christ as King: A Study in Matthew


What does it say?

The angel announced that Jesus was no longer in the tomb but had risen. Jesus appeared to His followers and commissioned them to go and make disciples.

What does it mean?

While news of Jesus’ resurrection spread, the Jewish leaders conspired to cover it up and explain it away, but their attempts failed. Jesus is alive and has given His followers an ongoing assignment to share the news of His death and resurrection all over the world. His continual presence enables and inspires His followers to invest their time and energy in others so that they will be inspired to share the good news. Jesus is alive and will always be with those who trust, follow, and obey Him.

How should I respond?

Jesus has given His followers an assignment that makes life meaningful today and for eternity – to share the news of His death and resurrection. Our mission is based on His absolute authority and empowered by His constant presence. Do you look for openings each day to talk about Jesus and how to know Him as Savior? What opportunities does your church offer for you to share God’s love – whether across the street or in another country? Every day you are on a mission trip to win, baptize, and teach the Bible so others can win, baptize, and teach. With whom will you share this good news today?

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Christ as King: A Study in Matthew

Matthew’s Gospel opens the New Testament by brilliantly introducing the culmination of the entire Old Testament story. After thousands of years and dozens of generations, Jesus had come “to save his people from their sins” (Mathew 1:21). Matthew focuses on Jesus as King of Kings, who had come to reign on the throne of David forever.
