Waiting With Joy: An Advent Activity Calendar for Kids预览

Waiting With Joy: An Advent Activity Calendar for Kids


Look at the Stars

When I look at your heavens . . . the moon and the stars . . . what is man that you are mindful of him? (vv. 3-4)

Have you ever seen the stars? When you go outside on a dark night, you can see stars filling the sky—bright lights in the darkness.

Have you ever tried to count the stars? It's impossible! There are so many stars; they cover the whole sky. Thinking about the number of stars in the sky can be a little overwhelming.

But do you know who can count the stars? God can! God knows every star, and even better, he knows every creature, every rock, and every person. God can count the stars, but he still sees and knows you; he loves and cares about you.

When you feel scared or small, remember that the God who is big enough to count the stars knows you and loves you.

Prayer: Thank you, God, for loving us. When we feel scared, help us remember you and your love.

Today’s Activity: Go out after dark and look up at the stars. You can use binoculars or a telescope to see stars more clearly, or just look at them with your eyes. Then share a little starlight wonder by cutting out and decorating a star to hang in your window. Find a printable template on Words of Hope’s website.



Waiting With Joy: An Advent Activity Calendar for Kids

Waiting for Christmas is hard! We want to make the month of December more joyful for you and your family. This plan features the first seven days of a 26-day Advent Activity Calendar from Words of Hope. Each day gives a Bible reading and short activity to fill your month with the joy of our Savior. You can find the full version, along with a printable calendar and crafts, online.
