Our Helper预览
Q: Who is the Holy Spirit?
A: The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, equal in power and glory with the Father and Son.
The Trinity can be a tough truth to wrap our minds around. God the Father and God the Son might feel personal and easier to relate to than a “spirit.” But the Holy Spirit isn’t an abstract power. The Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, equal in power and glory to the Father and Son.
The Holy Spirit is God’s personal presence dwelling in us. The Holy Spirit has the power to help us, comfort us, and guide us. And as you’ll see in the passage you’re about to read, the Holy Spirit has the power to take dead things and make them come alive again.
In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for Spirit is ruach, which also is translated as breath and wind. Whenever you see “breath” or “wind” in this story, think about the work of God’s Spirit.
As you read, remember: God offers you the presence of the same Spirit today. So ask yourself: Do you want to experience this?
Read: Ezekiel 37:1-10
Reflection Questions:
- Using this story, how would you describe the Holy Spirit? What is He able to do?
- What do you need the Holy Spirit to start doing in your life? What “dead” areas do you need him to renew? Spend some time in prayer asking God to work in these areas.
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity who comes to live in believers. The Spirit guides, empowers, and transforms us as we live out our salvation by following Jesus. This Bible Plan is part 6 of 8 — designed to go along with Feed’s “Foundations” small group series.