Honor the Season of Advent: 5 Days of Lessons and Carols预览

Honor the Season of Advent: 5 Days of Lessons and Carols


Read aloud Genesis 22: 15-18

Dwell on the words of the magnificent hymn “Creator of the Stars of Night,” which was originally composed in the 9th century.

Creator of the stars of night,
your people’s everlasting light,
O Christ, Redeemer of us all,
We pray you, hear us when we call.

Contemplate together: “Creator of the Stars of Night” is a night hymn, and if possible, bundle up, go outside, and listen to it as you gaze up at the stars! Remember, this is the same sky that Abraham would have pondered as he wondered about the blessing of his offspring and God’s promises. Can you connect the words of the hymn to the stories you’ve read on Day One and Day Two of Genesis? What does the song tell us about waiting for the light of Jesus?


Honor the Season of Advent: 5 Days of Lessons and Carols

Observe the season of Advent by contemplating Lessons and Carols. Grow in faith by slowing down, reading scripture, and learning songs that deepen your understanding of the incarnation. Scripture and songs are carefully arranged in a sequence that prepares us for the birth of the Christ child.
