The Gospels – Messiah预览

The Gospels – Messiah


Throughout the Old Testament, many people had been studying the scripture, searching the signs, watching the skies for the coming of the promised Messiah - God’s salvation plan revealed. They had decided that this Messiah was only for a special group of people and would only do a few special things. They certainly weren’t expecting a baby born in a manger, and they certainly weren’t expecting someone who performed miracles, spent time with the poor and outcast, and lived the way He lived.

Jesus’ life and death were all planned by God; nothing was done by accident. There were so many prophecies about Jesus, messages thousands of years before He came to earth, that told of the coming Messiah.

Micah 5:2 says that Christ would be born in Bethlehem. Isaiah 53:6 says that He would save us from sin. Zechariah 9:9 says that He would ride a donkey as He enters Jerusalem. Hosea 11:1 says He would stay in Egypt for some time as a child.

That’s just a few; there are hundreds! God’s plan was slowly being revealed, showing us that Jesus the Messiah was God’s plan all along.

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The Gospels – Messiah

Discover the person of Jesus through the lens of the four Gospels. Jesus the Messiah was God’s plan all along. Jesus the Messiah made a way for salvation. Jesus the Messiah is our king.
