What Africa Can Teach Us All预览

What Africa Can Teach Us All


Breaking the Disease Cycle

The Ebola epidemic in West African countries like Liberia is a terrible tragedy that was in the global spotlight not that long ago. And there will be other outbreaks and epidemics in the future. In today’s Missiographic, we clearly see the cycle of Ebola in Liberia and consider how traditional belief and secular medicine responded. 

The Ebola epidemic spread like wildfire in West Africa. In Liberia specifically, there was a repeated process of someone becoming infected with Ebola, waiting until it was too late to get medical help, dying, and then having a traditional burial, during which more people became infected. Simple steps like education, hygiene, quarantine, and training more local workers can dramatically impact situations like these. The Church can be a key part of breaking this cycle and creating a movement of healing and learning. 

Personal Reflection
If you are a medical professional, ask God how He wants you to respond to the need. Is going as an aid worker the only way to help? How can someone with no medical skills help with a medical epidemic? Consider what would it look like for you to set aside time every week to pray for God’s healing in countries battling widespread disease. You could pray for increased knowledge among local believers; more trained medical staff and volunteers; and for hope in Jesus for the victims, their families, and everyone surrounded by the outbreak. We can all prayerfully consider giving financially to organizations that are mobilizing workers or providing medical aid. Ultimately we need to trust that God can heal the sick and broken.

Thank You, God, for giving us wisdom to deal with widespread disease. Please help those who are fighting epidemics across the world today. Provide the medicine and education needed, and give strength to the medical workers—raising up more as needed. Soften the hearts of Christians worldwide toward the suffering.

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What Africa Can Teach Us All

As a Christian, what do you think about when Africa comes up in conversation? Africa is a diverse continent with amazing people, cultures, and natural resources. It is also a continent that has struggled through famine, wars, disease, and instability. The good and bad have much to teach us. So let’s learn from our African brothers and sisters in Christ. Here are some examples: Can you quote any African proverbs? Do you know what African Christians are reading? How long has it been since you thought about AIDS or Ebola? Have you prayed for the leadership of Africa? Adventure into Africa the next 7 days with your eyes and heart open, ready to consider the challenges and opportunities that God might place before you.
