Pouring Into Others When You Feel Empty预览

Pouring Into Others When You Feel Empty


Give & It Will Be Given to You

There’s this great principle that you reap what you sow. It’s a law of the universe and undeniably evident in God’s way of working. Sometimes when you are called upon to step out, maybe you wonder if it will even make a difference. If making a sacrifice will be of any value. And if not, what’s the point?

Let me be clear--we don’t give to get back. We give because God first gave to us, and now we have this abundance in Christ that can always be shared with others in some form or fashion. We serve others because we love our neighbor as ourself. I get that’s a hard one to fully digest--to love someone as I love myself. To give to others to the extent I would give to myself. To go the extra mile for another as I would go for my own interests. It’s hard but we serve others out of love, grace, and the overflow of what we’ve been given.

With that in mind, there’s also this incredible principle that what you and I give, it will be given back. I really enjoy the ESV version of Luke 6:38,

“Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”

You don’t serve to get something back in return. However, God doesn’t forget you in the equation either. He cares about you just as much as he cares about the person He is asking you to help. Give much to others and much will be given to you. Love others much and love will be given to you. Show grace to others and it will be shown to you. Be respectful of others and...the list could go on. But hold these things close to you, unwilling to share, and it will be withheld from you. Give little to others and little will be given to you.

You can be encouraged to know that when you step out in faith and obedience to serve others, God sees the sacrifice and gift. He sees it and honors it. He honors you.
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Pouring Into Others When You Feel Empty

Do you feel tired and worn out but still desire to serve others? This reading plan will show you biblical principles and practical tips on how you can pour into others even when you feel like you don’t have much to give.
