Notable Lessons From Women in the Bible预览

Notable Lessons From Women in the Bible


Day 2: Lessons from Lot’s wife and daughters

Yesterday we learnt from Achsah that we need to be intentional, bold, and audacious when presenting our requests to the Lord.

We all know the story of Lot’s wife turning into salt, and his daughters getting impregnated by their father. Looking at their historical background, Lot and his family chose to stay in Sodom even though they knew that the people who stayed there were notoriously sinful.

When God decided to wipe out the nations of Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham pleaded for the innocent to be spared. The two men (the angels), whom God sent into Sodom to investigate, found only Lot and his family to be the righteous ones.

The family was then given a warning to escape with strong instructions not to look back or stop in the valley. They were told to keep going until they reached a place of safety.

We all know that Lot’s wife didn’t listen because she looked back and turned into a pillar of salt.

We don’t know why she looked back. It could have been because she secretly loved the life she was living in Sodom and wasn’t ready for change, especially one that came so abruptly. It could be that she didn’t really believe, and so she wanted to bear witness to the destruction so that one day she could tell the story from an “eye witness” point of view. We don’t know what her reasons were for sure.

What we can draw from her experience is some lessons about not looking back, unless it’s necessary. The truth is sometimes looking back will drag you to a place you don’t want to be in. A place of great misery and heartache. A place you had not envisioned for yourself. In parallel, there are things worthy of looking back at, from which you draw great lessons and inspiration. Looking back at these chapters of your life does not weigh you down. Instead, it fills you up positively and refuels you to keep going when you feel like giving up.

Looking at Lot’s daughters, we see how our environments can have a big influence on us, whether directly or indirectly.

Although they were taught and raised well, they fell into a great sin and behaved like the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Sodom and Gomorrah were well known for sexual immorality, and unnatural lust. We see the impact of that environment when, after surviving the wrath, they get their father drunk to have sex with him. The result of this indecency is the daughters being impregnated by their father.

This teaches us to be weary of the company we keep as it might influence us unconsciously.

The journey of life requires us to move forward. Sometimes the move is uncomfortable. But remember that growth starts at the end of comfort.

Remember your mistakes are in the past, where they should be. And honestly speaking, they are just that, miss-takes on life. They do not define who you are and what you ought to be. A better life ahead awaits you. Chin up and walk right into it.

Summary of lessons from Lot’s wife and his daughters:

  • Whatever you do, wherever you are in life, don’t look back at what you were or where you’ve been. All of that is behind you. Your feet are facing forward to keep you moving ahead.
  • Be careful who you associate with and the influence your environment has on you.
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Notable Lessons From Women in the Bible

For many of today’s women, it may seem that the women in the Bible are anything but relatable in respect of being mentors, leaders, and game-changers. However, a close inspection of how these women in the Bible carried themselves reveals how vigorous and tenacious they were; characteristics that the women of today need to amplify in their lives to ensure alignment with what God requires of them.
