Doctors' Life Support预览

Doctors' Life Support


Do we limit the power of God?

The question that is often and inevitably asked by anyone stricken with sudden and serious sickness is, ”Why me?” Many carefully constructed plans and dreams fall apart when sickness strikes unannounced. For the sufferer and the immediate family, it is a time of tremendous shock, grief and pain. Many difficulties can arise pertaining to finances, treatment and a good carer.

Painful surprises can come in other packages too; broken relationships, sudden death in the family, financial liabilities or any other crisis. If discerned with wisdom and understanding, stressful situations can be great learning experiences.

Introspection into one’s life and soul during a difficult period enables a person to count their blessings, rectify mistakes, correct inner flaws and soften the rough edges of one’s character. For a human being sickness or any crisis can be a ‘make’ or ‘break’ period. Whatever the outcome of the crisis, a person can either become a positive influence or enter into a black hole of depression and self-pity.

For a Christian, a grave sickness or crisis can test one’s hope and trust in God. “Trust in God” is a phrase of comfort often used by friends, family and colleagues. The tangible evidence of this “trust” is seen only in crisis.

“Why me?” limits God’s power in lives. Joni Erickson Tada (author, singer and radio host, became a quadriplegic from a swimming accident) and Dr. Mary Verghese, the wheelchairbound rehabilitation specialist, would have been ordinary numbers in the statistics of life if not for their sickness and disability. “Why me?” became a “Why not me?” in their lives. They turned out to be powerful witnesses of grace and mercy.

Prayer: Lord, help me remember that Your grace is sufficient for me and that Your strength is made perfect in weakness. Amen


Doctors' Life Support

The Doctor’s Life Support daily devotions are an excellent resource for daily meditation - they are brief, practical and inspiring. The devotionals are written by Christians in healthcare from around the world. Each reading begins with a Scripture verse. The author shares a personal application from their own life experience or meditation, and offers a prayer to end the devotion.
