Doctors' Life Support预览

Doctors' Life Support


Finding God's will each day

One of our deep longings is to be guided to make ethically correct choices. For this to happen, one must first and foremost have the deep desire to do God’s will and try to determine God’s will for each situation.

Remember most of life’s decisions are morally neutral. God is honoured as long as we act responsibly. Most of the issues of life are matters of personal taste, cultural preference and social convention. God has given us a free will and reason and He wants us to make decisions.

In making ethical decisions, we need:

  • Integrity – One must seek to live a life that is knit together in complete harmony portraying the character of God.
  • Discernment – It is to perceive something that is present but is often hidden or concealed. Part of discernment is listening carefully, appreciatively and critically to the experiences of others around us. Discernment listens and learns.
  • Conscience – It is the inner faculty that recognises right from wrong. It is part of our inner self that acts independently of our desires, wishes and personal world. The conscience must be well informed for it to perform properly if not it can be misled.
  • Prudence – It is the wisdom in practical matters of life.
  • Intuition – It is the ability to draw knowledge without any clear effort or process of analysis.

With experience and the fine development of these various faculties it becomes easier to make sense of what is right for me to do as I move through the ordinary days and weeks of life.

Prayer:Lord, give a wise and discerning heart, grounded in Your truth and led by Your spirit. Amen


Doctors' Life Support

The Doctor’s Life Support daily devotions are an excellent resource for daily meditation - they are brief, practical and inspiring. The devotionals are written by Christians in healthcare from around the world. Each reading begins with a Scripture verse. The author shares a personal application from their own life experience or meditation, and offers a prayer to end the devotion.
