Ten Ways to Find Messiah in the Passover预览

Ten Ways to Find Messiah in the Passover


The Messiah Is the Bread of Life

At His last Seder with His disciples, Jesus compared the matzah to His body. That moment, however, was not the first time He referred to Himself as bread. Earlier, He declared, “I am the bread of life” (John 6:48). Bread is a staple in many cultures. Different peoples have created their own delicious forms of bread, including baguettes, pita, and naan. To this day, bread is a significant source of sustenance for many people. By calling Himself the bread of life, Jesus was offering Himself as our nourishment. Just as food is necessary for physical survival, we must come to the Messiah for us to be spiritually alive.

Passover matzah is a reminder that we have life because of the Messiah. Both our present physical life and eternal life depend on Him. Indeed, “All things came into being through Him” (John 1:3). Everything exists by the grace of God, who made us and continues to sustain us. We also have eternal and abundant life in Jesus, the bread of life. Eternal life does not simply mean living forever. Instead, eternal life means knowing and loving God (John 17:3). Jesus made it possible for us to enjoy the rich, loving relationship with God for which we were created (Deuteronomy 6:5).

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Ten Ways to Find Messiah in the Passover

Of all the ways the Old Testament points to Jesus, the Passover is one of the strongest examples. In this plan, you will discover how Jesus is the Passover Lamb who came into this world to atone for our sins.
