The Thread预览

The Thread


God Remembers You, Too

Imagine Noah floating in a hand-made ship with animals and loved ones day after day, night after night, uncertain when the whole ordeal would end. This story is almost too hard to envision because floods have never been as extreme since then. Floods are still common in human experience and come in many forms, often resulting in disorienting dark times. Likewise, we all have gone through dark times and felt disoriented. These are times when we may question God's character and even wonder if He has forgotten about us. Noah may have initially struggled with the same ideas, but e remained faithful, patient, and trusted that God would remember him in the flood.

Noah’s ark drifted before, during, and after the storm for over six months. Noah was a man of faith, and his faith in God proved to the world that God’s righteousness was reliable. He was patient and hopeful, sending the raven and dove to inquire about land while he waited for the waters to recede. Who knows the conversations that took place in the ark, the frustration and anxiety they dealt with, how restless they and the animals were, and how much they had to ration their resources? Only one person knew it all; He is the same God that remembers you, too, in everything you go through.

Question: Where in your life do you need God to show you He remembers and sees you and your situation?

Prayer: Ask God to show you His character and nature more each day, even in the places you sense darkness and an inability to understand.

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The Thread

This twelve-part plan traces the thread of God's story with a high-level overview of the whole Bible; it can be read alone, with a group, or with your family! Each month, you will dive into a new part of the unified story that leads to Jesus, all the while discovering the heart of God for the whole world. This month, we'll read through Genesis 1–11. Let's dive into part one of twelve!
