Understanding the Work of the Holy Spirit预览

Understanding the Work of the Holy Spirit


God’s Greatest Gift

What would we be missing if there were no Holy Spirit? In a word: everything!

In my experience, this answer is not the one many Christians would give to that question. I find much confusion about the Holy Spirit, along with a lot of fear of the Holy Spirit.

There is confusion and hesitancy about the Holy Spirit because some wonder who He is.

There is also uncertainty and caution about the Holy Spirit because some Christians wonder what the Holy Spirit does.

Could we say that, from the beginning of our Christian life, through its ongoing progress, and all the way to the end, the Holy Spirit is actively engaged in all that we are, do, and will become, including conviction of sin, the new birth, sealing, assurance of salvation, resurrection, and so forth? If that is true, then we’re once again faced with our question: why do some Christians hear so little and know so little about Him? And why is there confusion about the Holy Spirit?

Sadly, more than just confusion and ignorance reigns regarding the Holy Spirit’s work among God’s people. Fear sometimes grips Christians’ hearts as well. It may be fear of themselves—that they will be manipulated or worse, may offend God. Or it may be fear of giving up control of their life—because they doubt that God is good.

I believe that the greatest gift that God the Father gives to those who follow His Son is the Holy Spirit. That is, at the very top of the list of the “good gifts” that the Father gives to us Christians is the Holy Spirit.

If my claim is true, and we Christians have the gift of the Holy Spirit, why is there so much confusion and fear about Him? For Christians to be afraid of fully embracing this gift—that just doesn’t make any sense. It grieves God the Father, who is the giver of this gift.

We don’t want to grieve God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. On the contrary, let us embrace the greatest gift that God the Father gives to those who follow His Son: the Holy Spirit.

This five-day devotional will explore in greater detail the work of the Holy Spirit. As you consider God’s greatest gift in your life, may you understand Him better, love Him more, and walk in a fuller life.

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Understanding the Work of the Holy Spirit

So often, the Third Person of the Trinity gets the least attention. He is considered confusing or mysterious. This five-day devotional will help you know God better as your awareness and understanding of the Person and work of the Holy Spirit expand. Spend several days exploring what the Scripture tells us about the Holy Spirit—the best gift we are given after our salvation.
