Becoming a Son That Pleases the Father预览

Becoming a Son That Pleases the Father



One of the reasons for the death of Jesus on the cross was to address the injection of hell; that is why every one of us must go to the cross. As Jesus said, a man cannot be His disciple unless he carries his cross (Mat. 16:24). The cross is not a metallic ornament but the point in time where the will of the Father crosses your will, and you submit yours to the Father’s. The fulcrum on which Christianity turns is the will of God. The point at which you insist on your will is the point of defeat.

The core of Christianity is for us to submit our will to God’s will. The two most powerful and strongest forces on this planet are the will of God and the will of man, and until your will is surrendered to God’s, you are not really strong.

This year (2023) is my 40th year of carrying the call of God. It all started in 1983 when God came to me and asked for my certificate. I wanted to be a professor of electronics at a young age, and I was seriously pursuing that, but God’s will for me was different.

Jesus got to the level of giving the Father pleasure by surrendering His will to the Father’s. This is a very important point. Three times, the Lord Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane (Mat. 26:39) and got a “NO” in the spirit because He had to drink from that cup to please God the Father. Then He said, “…nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.”

Isaiah 14 shows us the beginning of the problem of the human race. The very essence of Satan’s principle and goal is to get man to cross the will of the Father. Until Lucifer rebelled against God, there was only one will in the universe. God works all things according to the counsel of His will (Eph. 1:11). The only way the universe is going to continue the way God planned, is for every will to align with God’s. That was how it was until iniquity was found in Lucifer (Eze. 28:12-19).

PRAYER: Lord, I surrender my will to the will of the Father; body, spirit, and soul, in Jesus’ name. I take up my cross and follow Jesus all the way, wherever He leads me. Amen!

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Becoming a Son That Pleases the Father

Jesus Christ, the pattern Son, got to a place where the Father said, this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. In this devotional you will learn critical decisions and steps that will set you as a child of God on the path of becoming a son that pleases the Father, including the willingness to obey His will.
