The Story of My Life - Seeing Yourself in the Life of Moses预览

The Story of My Life - Seeing Yourself in the Life of Moses


I Am a Slave Too


God had made a promise to the descendants of Abraham. He revealed to them a wonderful plan that they would be a blessing to all nations, and yet they find themselves in a not-so-wonderful situation. Have you ever felt like God's promises don't align with your reality?

Invitation to SELAH

Before you spend time face-to-face with God today, take some time to SELAH (Stop, Exhale, Lean In, Ask & Hear).


Out of fear of the blessings that God was pouring out upon the Israelites, the Egyptians began the oppressive and sinful act of slavery. The slavery of the Israelites was thousands of years ago, but the sin of slavery didn’t go away thousands of years ago. Just some 200 years ago, our country too was involved in the oppressive and sinful act of slavery. The Bible also speaks of another slavery that all of mankind has been subject to—sin. Sin has marked every human that has ever walked the face of the earth. Today, you may not be a slave to a specific individual, but you are a slave to sin.


If you truly desire transformation, it starts with authentic and vulnerable confession before God. Take some time to write down what sin you can’t seem to shake and what sin you continue to fall into. Don’t be vague, get specific and trust that God has a rescue plan for this sin.

Additional Reading Suggestions:

Read Romans 3:23, Romas 5:8, Romans 6:23, Romans 8:1, Romans 10:9-10 and Romans 10:13. These verses point us toward the solution God has for our sin.

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The Story of My Life - Seeing Yourself in the Life of Moses

The story of Moses and the story of Israel in the first few chapters of Exodus are a clear picture of our lives as well. In this reading plan you'll begin to see yourself in the story of Moses.
