Mary: Becoming a Girl of Faithfulness预览

Mary: Becoming a Girl of Faithfulness


Now, before we hop back into Mary’s life, let’s get one thing clear. Ultimately, the most faithful One in this study isn’t Mary. It’s God! Remember, we are not able to be faithful without His help.

Read John 2:1-12

Bible-times weddings often lasted dayssss!!! This meant the family had to prepare lots of food and drinks for the guests. In that culture, running out of food was considered irresponsible. And the wine was running out!

Mary would have known that if this happened, the family might get a bad reputation. She wanted Jesus to solve the problem. She didn’t ask Him to fix it. She just told Him about it.

When I first read about this wedding, I was surprised that Mary went straight to Jesus. You see, Jesus hadn’t been doing miracles out in public for people to see yet.

To remind her of this, He said, “My time has not yet come” (John 2:4). He meant that it wasn’t God’s will for Him to be revealed to the world yet. Even though it was not time for Jesus’ ministry to be made public, He turned water into wine. This could appear to be a problem since God still wanted His power to remain a secret. But don’t think that for too long.

Look back at when the master of ceremonies tasted the water that was now wine, did he know where it came from? Nope! Only Mary and the servants knew what happened behind the scenes of this miracle. So, Jesus was not revealed to the public yet. God’s will did not change when Jesus turned water into wine.

That is our Jesus. He cares about the little things that matter to us, so He provides. But there is another wonderful reason He provided. Mary asked. Mary trusted Jesus before she ever saw Him do a miracle in public because she knew who He was. That was enough.

This brings us to another one of our FAITHFULNESS LESSONS:

A faithful girl believes God will provide.

Just like Mary came to Jesus and asked Him to provide you and I can do the same thing! Read 1 John 5:14-15; pay attention to when it says “according to his will.”

Now, this verse kinda makes it sound like we will get whatever we ask for from God. But we need to note something super important! This verse says we will get whatever we ask of God . . . according to His will. HIS WILL. God’s will is the thing that God knows is best for us. He has perfect plans to provide for us, and sometimes our desires fit into those plans, but sometimes they don’t! When we pray, it is important to ask God for help understanding His will and plan.

Mary prayed in a way that said yes to God’s plan no matter what. She wanted her life to be lived according to the will of God, not her own plans. I want to respond more like Mary when God asks me to do something!

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Mary: Becoming a Girl of Faithfulness

Enter Mary’s story and learn how you can become a girl of faithfulness. God doesn’t need the best athletes, the most beautiful girls, or the exceptionally talented to do great things for Him. He just needs an ordinary girl who is willing to say, “Yes.” Mary’s life proves to us that when a True Girl responds with faith in the moment, it brings a beautiful, forever blessing.
